1 - What is KILIG?

Me, of course! Just kidding. "Kilig" is a Tagalog term that refers to the feeling of excitement or butterflies in the stomach, often associated with exciting experiences or romantic attraction. It's a feeling of euphoria, excitement, and nervousness that one experiences. Kilig is a common expression in the Filipino culture.

2 - How do you pronounce KILIG?

Let’s break it down:

"Kilig" is pronounced as "kih-lig" with the emphasis on the first syllable "kih".

The "i" sound in both syllables is pronounced like the "ee" sound in "meet", and the "g" at the end of the word is pronounced like the "g" in "go".

So, the correct pronunciation is "kih-lig" - woohoo, you got this!

3 - But why…KILIG-ology?

Okay, brace yourself for a mini essay (I blame this on me being in grad school mode at the moment):

Life can get crazy - work, school, relationships, etc. It’s easy to get lost in the mess of it all and lose sight of what is beautiful and good.

But we have to pause, take a breather, and find the kilig things in life.

Kilig moments are those special moments in life that make you feel fluttery or giddy. It can be anything from a romantic gesture from a loved one to a simple act of kindness from a stranger. These moments help us appreciate the small things in life and remind us to be grateful for what we have.

Kilig moments can also inspire us to create more joy and happiness in our lives and in the lives of those around us. They can motivate us to be kinder, more compassionate, and more loving towards others.

Thus came along Kilig-ology: the study of kilig. I’m constantly looking (or studying (ba-dum)) for what brings kilig in life, especially for other people. Kilig comes in different forms - it could be from watching your favorite K-Drama, seeing your secret crush in class, or even reaching a new deadlift PR at the gym. Kilig is different for everyone.

But honestly, I think we can all agree on this: there’s always kilig in a delicous cookie. And I want to bring you that “oh, so kilig!” feeling with the best cookies.

4 - Who’s the baker?

Some first-generation Filipino-American guy living in Houston, TX who is trying to keep up with a full-time job, part-time job, uncle-ing, and grad school while running an at-home baking business.

Go here for the unabridged answer.

5 - Why don’t you bake full-time?

See question 4.

6 - How do I place an order?

I don’t do orders. You have to get it from a friend who got it from a friend who got it from a friend.

I’m kidding - just go here for more information.

7 - How do you stay on a diet?


Sorry, what was the question?

8 - What’s your weightlifting routine?

Upper / Lower Body Split - 4 days each week.

9 - Favorite Cookie?

It would have to be sugar cookies from the grocery story. I'm really not kidding. I think it's a childhood nostalgia thing.

As for a favorite one from my batch, I'd say the Turon, Ginger, or Candied Pecan cookies are up there.

10 - What happened to the cupcakes?

Huh? What cupcakes?

Just messin' - Even though cupcakes are my signature talent, I'm taking a temporary break from baking them. When you're baking from scratch, it takes a lot of time... which is something I don't have a lot of!

11 - Okay…but…that pudding stuff?

Stay tuned ;)

12 - Social Media?

Catch me on IG: @kilig.ology